To maximize your experience with Policy Maps, we’ve assembled education, training, best practices, and industry perspectives that help raise your data literacy, provide you with models, and connect you with the work of your peers.
Learn how to find and share ready-to-use policy maps about your community.
5 minutes with the Esri Maps for Public Policy site
Take 5 minutes for a quick tour of the Esri Maps for Public Policy site. Learn how to use maps to help inform public policy.
American Community Survey (ACS) data is now easily accessible throughout the ArcGIS Platform. This story introduces them and shows how to access them.
This quick tour will show you the maps and resources you can use for free at the Esri Maps for Public Policy site.
A great way to start using Esri Maps for Public Policy is to choose a question on the home page, and enter your city or town name to see a collection of maps that help answer that question for your area.
Find examples from others to kickstart your own policy maps.
This dashboard displays CT Housing data from the US Census, CT DECD, and CT DOH.
A Data-Driven GIS Map of Interim and Supportive Housing
An interactive presentation created by participants of the Bridging Public Health and Health Care project, a series of forums for exploring rural population health and behavioral health systems, Fall 2017.
In this webinar, Jim Herries and Jennifer Bell walk through several real-world examples where communities have turned data into meaningful maps that identify trends and make decisions regarding policy.
Create your own maps that show opportunities to intervene.
Policy Mapping - Safe Streets to Schools
In this lesson, you'll map accident data regarding pedestrians and cyclists struck by vehicles. Then, you'll determine the number of accidents that occurred within each school zone and identify the five most dangerous zones and present findings.
Explore this collection of videos from the National Association of Environmental Professionals workshop for step-by-step guidance on how to use Esri Maps for Public Policy in your environmental projects.
Use ArcGIS Pro to map toxic release facilities to visualize the burden of pollution on the population. This helps move toward progress for a sustainable city under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Measure and map relationships between people, places, and online lending.
Discover insights and approaches from today’s thought leaders.
Smart communities make the lives of their citizens better through technology. Armed with location-based data, they work to holistically address issues that matter most to residents. They never lose focus on the human element.